Club Asteria

Monday, March 14, 2011

Posted by CA Manager on: 13 March 2011


We are so proud and happy to announce that we are now sharing our benefits, services and products with over 185,000 members. It is so gratifying to see people joining our family from all over the world. Our goal is to have over 1 million members earning additional income and helping us to make a positive difference in the world. Through our philanthropic programs we continue to feed hungry children, assist in providing shelter for families, contribute towards health services and make it possible for communities to enjoy clean drinking water. We continue to provide hundreds of micro-credit loans to those aspiring individuals who lift themselves up by creating job opportunities for themselves and their community. Our substantial donations to worthy organizations like Heifer International, Water Aid America, Grameen Bank and many others continue to help improve life for thousands of families.
Each of our members substantially contributes towards the goals of Club Asteria by taking advantage of our programs to earn additional money for themselves. The more money that is earned by each and every one of our members translates into more funds that are available for Club Asteria’s philanthropic foundation to utilize globally. Our entire creative and resourceful staff is spending every moment to expand and improve our entrepreneurial education program, e-commerce solution and financial services platform. We have chosen these industries – education, Internet marketing and financial services – because of the trillions of dollars that are currently being spent on these services and products. Club Asteria’s goal is to provide our own unique and proprietary products and services with the support of our financial and/or venture partners to create an enormous and extended path of earnings for both our members and Club Asteria.

Our entrepreneurial education program already is developing into a premier learning and knowledge provider. Not only our members but also millions of individuals from all over the world are able to take advantage of both the free services and paid services that this platform provides. This is creating great opportunities for our members and provides additional revenue for Club Asteria’s philanthropic endeavors.

Likewise, our e-commerce solution, which focuses on Internet marketing, allows us to reach millions of people every day. The Internet is a magnificent tool that levels the playing field and allows both the biggest player and the smallest player to equally participate. We have already created our own systems, tools and technology to participate in this business at the highest and most successful level. Each of our members now has the income earning opportunity to take advantage of Internet marketing on a level with the most sophisticated businesses and individuals in the world. As more and more of our members are introduced to this program and take advantage of the many options available to them to be in their own Internet marketing business, both their revenues and Club Asteria’s revenues will increase.

The same thing is true with our financial services, which is now providing our members the opportunity to use their mobile phone to save, manage and transfer funds worldwide. As our members recognize the value of this system and not only start using it for themselves but also sharing it with other people around the globe, once again, the benefits to our members and the revenues to Club Asteria will increase.

It is very important to understand that our business and revenue model is based on the successful inroads that we make in the industries we are participating in. Club Asteria will earn more revenue and will become an even bigger participant in the education, e-commerce and financial services industries as our products and services are further developed and the utilization and sharing of these products and services are increased by our members. Make no mistake – we make money from our education, e-commerce and financial services programs when our members share these programs with others. The word of mouth advertising from satisfied customers is always the best marketing that you can do. The more individuals, both members and non-members, that use these services the greater our members’ and our income potential is. In the coming weeks and months we will be promoting not only the use of what we have today but everything that we are developing. Our goal is to see our members utilize these products and services for their own benefit and earn additional income by sharing them with others.

As we are maturing and evolving, we have continuously recognized how important our members’ hard work and contributions are to the success of our revenue sharing program. Each week we share 30% of the revenue that is earned through the sale of our products and services with our membership. It is wonderful for us at Club Asteria to experience the spirit of giving back and paying forward that so many of our members have demonstrated. Nobody should just sit by and watch while others contribute so much. We want to be there for everyone but each of us has to do their share. When all of our members contribute, whether through our educational services, our e-commerce solution or our financial services, our revenues go up and there is more revenue for all of us to share.

Our goal is not to just have one million members but to have a family of one million participants who are highly purposed towards improving themselves, utilizing and selling the finest products available and helping people around the world that can’t help themselves. At Club Asteria it is our passion and purpose to inspire, focus, concentrate and even force each of our members to work smarter and harder to achieve the greatest that life has to offer. We hope that each of our members can understand that at Club Asteria we will work hard to motivate and even inspire the uninspired. Our goal here is to empower all of our members. There is no greater feeling in the world than the pride and respect you have when you take advantage of the opportunities that are provided to you of earning the highest income possible and using it wisely. Being successful at our chosen field of work is part of our identity and results in our inner dignity.

In the coming weeks we will be instituting programs that encourage and mandate each of our members to utilize aspects of our entrepreneurial educational, e-commerce and financial programs to improve themselves. We have created these programs for the benefits of our members and their families. We want our members to make good use of the knowledge and benefits that can be obtained from these excellent programs. Based on this, we will be setting simple and very achievable requirements for all of our members to improve themselves by participating in any one of our programs. In the future to continue to receive your compensation from revenue share and all of our other programs, it will be necessary for you to participate in at least a minimum of these programs. There is no doubt in our minds and I am sure in yours that a more knowledgeable member with greater skills can contribute greatly not only to their own success but also to the success of the entire membership. Together we can all make a difference not only in our own future but also set an example for the world of what we can do to help others.

We don’t want to leave anybody behind and we know that by participating in these programs it will be positively life changing for our members, their families and community. It is the best of the human spirit to learn, grow and utilize our talent to the best of our ability.

I look forward to all of our members’ support for many years to come.

Andrea Lucas
Managing Director

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